Friday, November 23, 2007

Hello Jello!

TEN layers...go ahead and count them! TEN!
There's always room for Jello!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hellooo Dolly!

Dear Friends,
It has been a week since the curtain came down on the 2007 Wabash Area Community Theater production of Hello Dolly.
We played to approximately 2,500 people on the stage of the Ford Theater in The Honeywell Center. What a privilege and joy to be able to fulfill a lifelong dream by playing the role of Dolly Levi. I haven't quite come down to earth yet!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spring has finally come to Indiana and we are so happy! Our lilac bushes got nipped by that dreadful snow of two Sundays ago, but we think that the cherry tree will be OK. Happy Birthday #82 to Jeff's Dad, Glenn! Glenn's parents, Velma and Leo Hawkins, are the wise people who bought the farm in 1957. We are sure glad they did. I finished up my Spring semester classes at IPFW this past week and aced them both! Only one more class and an action research project and I will have my Masters Degree in Elementary Education. Have a good week!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Where is Spring?

April is the cruelest month...this had better melt SOON!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Look what came in the mail!

Let us out of here!

Time for a little drink...

There's no place like home!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Hark the Herald Angels Sing!

(Don't we look angelic?)
Happy Christmas from Jeff, Kathy, Sarah, and Zach!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Herding Turkeys

This is the week that most of the turkeys meet their maker so I had to help Jeff move some of them on to the trailer today.
What fun! We have had some exciting news here as Zach finally proposed to his sweet Kira. They will be
married here on the farm next July. Sarah was just hired by a small Saint Paul public relations firm. It seems like
it will be a great job for her, with good starting pay and benefits. She will say farewell to Starbucks at the end of this month!
We are well, and trying to get the farm ready for winter.
Your aff friend,