Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot, Hot, HOT!!!

Another hot and humid day with no relief in sight until at least Thursday! It was so hot that the kittens (I think this one is Mittens) let me get close and take pictures...usually they skitter away when I come anywhere near!
Not too hot for the garden fence to be finding its right way up...thanks to my friend and colleague, Ron Eberly, who has been working very hard patching and mending! Jeff and I have to dig holes for posts this week, but I think we will wait until it cools down.

Your aff friend,
Kathy Hawkins

Friday, July 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Beatrix Potter!

Happy Birthday to Beatrix Potter who was born on this day in 1866 in South Kensington, England!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Dear friends,
I have been busy in the garden this last week, but today I wait...
for the soil to dry out from last night's wonderful rain (3/4 of an inch) so that the radishes can be thinned,

for the picket fence I recycled from a local church to be mended, patched, and put upright,

and for the dwarf sunflowers to bloom.

Waiting is means I can go read a book!
I will leave you with a picture of another garden on our farm!

Your aff friend,
Kathy Hawkins

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Who's been tending the garden?

Who's been tending the garden??? Actually not a soul, and the garden definitely looks like it! While I was away having a glorious time...
enjoying beautiful Lake Michigan...

and climbing very high mountains in South Dakota...

my onions, beans, carrots, and lettuces were just about taken over by the nastiest of weeds!! I have been working furiously (oh my aching back) these past days, and I am almost ready to show you the results! Check back this weekend!
Your aff friend,